Monday 7 November 2016

Old Blog Flashback- 14 May 2013

Note from N: This is actually our second attempt at blogging, the first being when Ruffles was just over a year old in 2013. I've managed to find some of our old posts and thought it would be fun to include them here. 

Hi Guys!

I'm back! Sorry for not saying hi for so long. N had some sad stuff happen around her so she hasn't been in the mood to help me blog for a long time. She's feeling better now though and promised she'd help me out more! 

The weather in Singapore has been real hot the past few weeks. If you know anything about me, I'm an ice-cream-not-warm-milk, winter-not-summer, tile-not-carpet kinda dog. I can't stand the heat! So on Saturday N took me to Mr Groomers to get my hair cut short. I've been hearin' some meanie comments like I look like a rodent *glares at Brother Teo* but as long as I'm no longer hot n stuffy, everything's cool with me =).


Psst I got this nasty burn after my trip to the groomers. N was real upset when she found it. It was so ouchie but after N put some medicine on it I felt much better :). 
My ouchie. Looks gross! 
This arvo an exciting package came for N. Guess what was inside?! A brand new Monkey toy! Oh I love him already! He's so soft and his legs are sooo long, and he loves to do squeakies too! 
Later on N brought down my other toy, Mr Elephantie for playtime. She said I was ignoring him.

Duh! I am not ignoring Mr Elephantie! It's just I am busy playing with my new toy and it would be rude to walk away. 

N decided to test me. She put Mr Elephantie and Maurey (think that's what I will call him from now on) side by side...
...then she made me do a stay far away

... And then she let me go! So of course I went for....

...Maurey! What? We haven't finished playing! 

N did it again and I went n got...

Maurey again hehe. Hey it's not that I don't love Mr Elephantie, I just need more time to *ahem* get acquainted with Maurey! 
Til next time!
3 Happy Wuffs,

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