Monday 7 November 2016

Post 2013 Reflections

So its been 3 years since I created my first blog. Honestly speaking I wouldn't have gotten back into it if not for the pending arrival of Theo. Looking back on our old blogposts, here's what I've noticed about how Ruffles has changed in the years since.

1. His personality has developed. Note I use the word developed and not matured hehe. I would say from around the time I got Ruffles to around when he was say 2.5 years old he was a typical puppy- babyish and oblivious. At 4 years old, he now communicates very clearly with us. If he wants anything, he'll let us know. If he's not happy about something, he protests. If he's annoyed, he lets out a big sigh. He loves us, but also likes his own space.  Its almost like he's saying to us, "I'm an adult now, take me seriously!" . He still relies on us for his needs, but in a way I also rely on him for comfort and strength. 

2. He has developed an obsession for tennis balls. I don't remember him ever liking them back in Australia, but here its his favorite toy. We have a tennis court in our apartment and Ruffles loves to regularly sniff in the garden for balls out of court. He also has a partner in crime in our security guard, who gives him a new ball each week. 

Ruffles and his tennis balls

3. He's settled into routine. When I first came back, I thought of a new place to bring him each week. Every other day it was the park, or a playdate with his friend, or the beach. It is perhaps more a reflection on myself that I feel ok leaving his daily routine to a nice game of fetch in the garden, a short walk in the morning and the occasional playdate. 

Favorite resting spot

4. His skin/diet issues have calmed down. Itching and scratching were a huge stress point for me when we first arrived back in Singapore. I tried everything- different kibble, DIY raw diets, DIY commercial raw diets, you name it, I tried it. After months and months of trials and stomach upsets, I finally put him on a cooked diet with a canine nutritionist. And we have not looked back. He still itches and scratches, and gets the occasional ear infection, but it is not near as bad as it was before. 

All grown up

I have to say, while I loved Ruff as a puppy, I enjoy him more as an adult. Things feel settled now, and I like it. Of course, thats about to all change in the next few months. As to how I'm feeling about the impending changes- well that's a post for another day :). 


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