Friday 30 December 2016

Rufflesblogs- Big News!! Alien Invasion by Pugs


Ok so, I meet lots of friends on walkies and I'd just like to say- I don't discriminate. Big dog, small dog, black dog, white dog, slobbery or furry, as long as they cool I'm cool too, ya know? But, and this is a big but, a few years back I came across a kind of "dog" I later found out were known as pugs. Now I don't know if you've seen a pug, but they are wack. Their face is all squishy, they snort like pigs and they have these huge bug eyes that stare at ya. I'm telling you... theres something suspicious about these "pugs". No one believes me when I tell them, and N thinks I'm silly for running away when I see one on the street. They smell like normal dogs, but they act like pigs. 

So I've been trying to warn efurrybody about them for years and no one pays attention. Well people, I have finally found proof. The other day N was watching Men in Black on the tv. And what do you know, turns out pugs are actually aliens!! Yes, you heard it from me first. Pugs. Are. Aliens. This explains everything! I'm trying to spread the news out there so people can take precautions. If you come across a pug, be very careful and do not look directly into their eyes. Aliens do mind control and all that creepy shit! I for one will be very careful about sharing doggy information with my "pug" neighbour. If you suspect you have been compromised by alien pugs, call the doggy hotline 1800-PUGALIEN. 

Stay safe folks,


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