Friday 3 March 2017


Three weeks in to the Button's arrival, and here are where things stand:

- Ruffles has adapted well to Button being a part of the family (thank goodness). My helper thinks Ruffles has become more mature. I guess thats to be expected when you have a four month old puppy pestering you all the time :p. 
- On potty-ing: Button is pretty reliable on the indoor toilet (an artificial grass mat with newspaper underneath). He does not like to poo where he pees so we have to be pretty on the ball to when he needs to do a number 1.
- On socialization with other dogs: We are lucky to have 2 other puppies in the apartment building. They are both pretty boisterous and can be over the top at times. Button does not like that and will tell them off when they get a bit much.
- On socialization with other people: Button has gotten used to my brother and my helper. He still barks when my parents enter the room. Outside of the home, I have to encourage him to interact with strangers. He takes a while to warm up to people.
- On Button's personality (read last post): he is no pushover. He barks when he wants something, and can definitely hold his own. He loves to be close to me and Ruffles, and sasses us whenever he gets the chance. Definitely a strong character. 
- On growth: Button has developed some tear staining around his eyes. Hopefully it is temporary and daily cleaning with a washcloth will help control it. Button requires daily grooming to prevent mats. He's pretty wriggly throughout, but tolerates most of the process. I am bathing him around once in every 2 weeks. He is 3.5kgs at 4 months and is eating a mix of K9 natural (chicken/beef/lamb) and frozen meats I brought back from New Zealand. 
- On names: I'm still undecided. The name "Button" is still the most familiar to me, so I will continue to refer to him that way for now. 
