Thursday 16 February 2017

We're back!

Hi! *waves hands sheepishly*

So in the span of month I have been to New Zealand and back, carting back our new family addition in tow. Between taking care of the new puppy, setting down temporary roots in Auckland and going on two road trips there with my cousin, I simply hadn't the time to blog. Button and I returned to Singapore three days ago just in time for Valentine's day, and though I am coming down with a cold and recovering from back-to-back days of migraine, I do feel well enough to blog again. 

The process in bringing back Button was tedious, to say the least. Although I also had to bring Ruffles back from Australia, the added pressure of being on the same flight as Button, family being overseas and having a resident dog made this round much more difficult. I'm too tired to go over the details so I might elaborate in a future post. Anyhow we introduced Ruffles to Button the night I arrived in the garden of our apartment. He took to Button really well the first two days; I've got some videos I can post here if I can figure out how.

Valentine's Day, 2017
Sadly in the past few days things have changed. Ruffles has taken to completely ignoring Button and actually seems depressed, if I'm reading him right. It's as if he realized "oh no, this puppy is actually here to stay, and share all my toys, people and food". Button on the other hand can't get enough of Ruffles, and is constantly asking him to play. I feel so bad- for Ruffles to now have to "share" his family and for Button who keeps getting rejected. The sensible part of me knows that its only been four days, and a bit of googling says that Ruffles should take at least a week, if not a month, to get used to Button. So I'm doing what I can- making sure I have one-on-one time with Ruffles, letting him tell Button off when he gets too irritating and intervening when necessary. It isn't as easy as I thought it would be- given Ruffles' friendly temperament I thought I could just throw Button into the mix and he'd be happy as a lark. But this is what we have and I'm (we're) just going to have to work with it.


P.S. I'll be doing retrospective posts on what it was like to get Button from his breeder, my time in Auckland and experience bringing Button on road trips. Sooner, than later, I hope!